Understand your unique relationship with food.


Break down the barriers in the way of your health. We’ll create a roadmap of nutrition with personalized diet and lifestyle hacks that give you the power to transform your life.

We’ll get you to your goals.

Weight Loss

Before we can lose weight, we need to build-up nutrient reserves, to give the body the resources it needs to shed unnecessary weight.

Hormone Balance & Skin Issues

Feeling off balance? We’re well versed in hormone related conditions like diabetes and insulin sensitivity, PCOS, eating disorders, adrenal fatigue, thyroid, persistent acne, psoriasis and eczema.

Fatigue & Body Pain

Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, arthritis, headaches & migraines — can be a pain. We optimize lifestyles that help support pain management.

Lyme Disease & Boosting Immunity

Lyme — it’s become a household name — especially in Upstate NY. With rate of infections increasing every year, it’s especially important to fuel your body to help fight off stubborn Lyme infections. Tick prevention is key to upstate life.

Digestive Health

It all starts in the gut. We deal with all sorts of food allergies and sensitivities, GERD, IBS/IBD, ulcers, Crohn’s, SIBO, bloating and gas, constipation and diarrhea, leaky gut, acne, and offer support when healing from parasites and other pathogens.

Healthy Hearts & Bones

Has your doctor warned you about high cholesterol, high blood pressure or osteoporosis? We’ll get you on a diet and lifestyle plan that’s supportive of heart and bone health.

How it works.

We don’t use templates, and we don’t miss details.

  • You’ll fill out an intake form, informed consent and 3-5 day food/exercise journal. Then we’ll meet for a one-hour initial session to discuss health concerns and history, food intake and preferences, exercise, sleep, stress and goals. 

  • We’ll plug your current diet, supplements and activity into a nutrient analysis computer program. This gives us a baseline for macronutrients, micronutrients and fatty acid ratios. After putting in a ton of backend research, we’ll create an individualized plan to get you to your goals.

  • We then send to you a wealth of information, and will be there to support you so you can make your health goals a reality.

“It was not easy at first to switch from a heavy carb, high sugar diet as a sugar addict, to one full of clean fats and proteins. With Sequoia’s dietary and supplement recommendations, I now experience more energy, less fatigue, and clearer thinking.”
